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Life is one big choice. I choose to be happy, healthy, and... BUSY! A note to Champaign area readers: I have a couple spots left in my Insanity Challenge group for June. They're going to go FAST, so e-mail me at [email protected] if you think you're up for it! HAPPY MONDAY and I hope everyone had a great weekend:o)

Workout tune of the day: T.H.E (The Hardest Ever) / ft. Jennifer Lopez & Mich Jagger
Hope everyone had a fantastic mother's day! (I think Grandma likes green & blue this time of year! :)
My upline coach and friend is getting P90x certified today! Congrats, Keebs! Can't wait to bring live workouts to the Dojo:o) I would love to get certified in Les Mils Pump, because I used to LOVE going to Body Pump at my old gym and I'd love to be able to teach that class. I'm probably getting ahead of myself here...just a thought. Goal for June is to get an Insanity challenge group of 5 going. It's our month off from Bootcamp, so it seems like the perfect time. Then in July MY camp starts-Eee!! Getting excited!
and it was AWESOME!! I had just gotten done with boot camp, so I really didn't have a clue how I was going to make it another hour. However, the collective energy in that room & Mark's awesomeness made it-I won't say EASY, but POSSIBLE, to push through it! And it was FUN! I sincerely suggest you all get X'ed ASAP ;) I LOVE a good butt kicking, no lie!
Today I basically had it in my head that I was tired, I hadn’t eaten, and I basically just didn’t freaking feel like going to bootcamp. Then I saw my wrist full of motivational bracelets, went downstairs to take my e&e, and got dressed. I love those moments. I felt like I had overcome a huge obstacle before I even left the house. And you know what? It was one of the best workouts I’ve had in a long time and I feel amazing right now! You never know what you could be missing out on if you don’t push yourself:)